about the blog
My motto: "I value adventure more than convenience"
Hi, my name is Kamil, I live in Poland and I create a project called Adventures No Limits. Since I was young I have enjoyed being close to nature and taking part in various trips and expeditions. Through this project I would like to share with you sophisticated information about interesting places in the world, which in my opinion are worth seeing. Additionally, through this project I want to expand my knowledge about the world around us. To create articles I use information found in the Internet, books and films.
I hope that you will find here valuable knowledge that you can use while planning and preparing your expeditions 🙂
For me also this project has an educational character. Besides from writing about interesting places on Earth, I also write my blog in English (this is a foreign language for me, which I don’t speak every day, and my mother language is Polish)
Therefore, I apologize for any stylistic and grammatical errors that you notice here (in English and Polish also).
The same goes for the topic of creating a website (I also apologize for any technical errors).
In the future, I plan to create my own blog posts of my expeditions and share my insights. I will also like to enrich my blog posts with videos and photos from interesting places.
Greetings to you and enjoy your reading, see ya 🙂